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About Желание

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  1. Read the whole story first, please. Linked part from the stream was already AFTER the event. On top of that, u can't punish other people for the words/actions of some1 else. In your example, it's like Nike would announce the prize for the event, and then declined to pay it. Smart guys dont do that coz they understand that it will destroy company's reputation. Lastly, u re wrong about trashtalk. The clip in post shows only polite critic about certain aspect of the server. If admin is not able to take even this sort of critic then he has some problems...
  2. Hello, dear FS. Let me share the story with you, how FS admin, and the owner of the project, betrail our community. Some of you probably heard about PVP 2s Tournament which was taken place last Sunday, Oct. 3rd. This tournament was fully organized by two players, Dusti and Daug. Daug was given away the reward for the 1st place - full bis charter. Shortly after announcement, FS admin Shelby agreed to help with tournament, FS administration made an annoucement in discord channels plus Shelby agreed to give away gold points to the 8 teams - 100 € gold points equivalent for the 2nd place, 50€ for the third, 25€ for the 4th place. Here is the schreenshot as a proof of that Of course, it attracted many players, including me and my 2s partner, to participate. As a result, event had 32 players with 8 teams. Some people had take a day off from work to come, some had give up a holiday to participate. Personally, I had to wake up 4 am my local time in order to fight for the prize. We spent 4 hours for the event, fighting on the arena. The event went well, most of people did enjoy it, the winners were defined. The rewards to the 8 teams promised to be distributed within few days. On Tuesday, Shelby told us in 2s tournament discord group ( https://discord.gg/CC25QKj7 check it by yourself) that he wont give any rewards because one of the event holders (Dusti) said on his stream that on his opinion FS QA and developers are bad, and if FS will fix that, it could be a really good server. You can check that clip https://streamable.com/b53ox8 Only because of these words server owner decided not to keep his word and just shit on whole pvp community. I think most of you will agree to me, that it's not honest not to keep your word already after event is finished. People spent their time and effort for this event. So, if you don't keep your word after the work is done, what kind of person are you? True, a lier, the one who doesnt deserve any trust. More absurd here, is that according to the Shelby logic, people who participated in the event ARE RESPONSIBLE for the words of other people (in that case it's Dusti). Let me share the screenshot: Shelby is saying that Dusti shit on server. You all can check the clip and make sure that Dusti just gave his personal critic regarding 1 aspect of the server, it was already after the event. There were no hate, there were no trashtalk, just his personal opinion and it was given in a very polite manner. The only person who "shit on the server" in that case, is Shelby. He gave a word to support the event, give away the rewards to the players, but instead he just shown his total disrespect to the whole PVP community. Several people confirmed that Shelby is the main admin, so I dont expect that my post will change his opinion or some1 will fix his mistake and justice will prevail. At least, as a player, I can let all you guys know, who is the server owner really is. Shelby is not able to take any criticism, even in a light form, he doesnt respect our community and doesnt keep his word. A few words personaly to Shelby, if you will read it. You were afraid to give the rewards just because it could bring damage to your (or server) reputation. In fact, no1 can bring more damage to FS reputation than you, man. And you just did it. As I said, the only one who shit on server in that case, is YOU. If you think that you can waste people time, promising them rewards, then just fraud them and they will forget it, you are totally wrong.
  3. As it stated here https://www.theregister.com/2021/03/10/ovh_strasbourg_fire/ they should provide some investigation. Modern data centers suppose to handle the fire. If it's uncontrol fire as their CEO announced today, it def the luck/ignore of some safety protocols.
  4. Can some1 from international stuff reply here?
  5. Hello, I wrote a report in RU forum about abusing the bugged talent https://www.wowhead.com/spell=270658/azerite-fortification by some players (including r2 player Jawñ). The problem is that this talent is not scaling by pvp modificator on arena and increased by actual healing shown on description. Test made by MadK0rt (he is a part of the RU testers team) shown that instead of 5k healing on arena, the talent does healing of 31k. It's a huge advantage given only by 1 piece of gear. So, 3 of them in total (head-shoulders-chest) make the healer almost unkillable on arena if the team tries to focus him. In 2s the passive talent healing will be more than 20% of total healing made in that case. The thing is some players are abusing this bug. For example, player Jawñ was catched while queuing 2s with all of 3 pieces of gear with this talent. He is defenetly aware of abuse because 1 azerite item with this talent even was 365 instead of his rest items (385-390 ilvl). I notifed the RU administators about that and suggested to double check the top ladder players if they have all 3 pieces of gear with that talent and provide the punishment since they break the server rules: General exploiting: The malicious use of bugs in a way that normal game-play would not permit, generally giving the user an unnatural advantage. Punishment: 1 day account suspension to permanent account suspension. It's important to clarify that to get all 3 high ilvl pieces of gear with that talent is almost impossible. So, if the player has it, it means he is definitely was abusing the bug. RU adminisrator Madorana replied to me that they will notify Firestorm stuff about that case and they will make a decision about the punishment. So, I just want to double check that you guys are aware of the problem. Can some1 here from stuff team confirm that? I also want to know if the fact of this bug abuse will influence the results of PVP seasonal check? Personaly, I think it would be unfair to reward the players who was catched on bug abuse so that's why I'm asking you to double check all top25 players if they have all 3 pieces of gear with that talent on it and provide the punishment. Here are the screenshots made by MadK0rt (RU tester on Firestorm) during his test of that talent https://dropmefiles.com/gR0Fh (it's in russian but he speaks eng so he can confirm that). It shows that instead of 5k healing, the talent does 31k on arena. Here are the screenshots of player Jawñ with 3 pieces of gear containing the bugged talent https://dropmefiles.com/1G3y8
  6. Title: World chat search (addition to the chat rules) Type: In-game Description:  Hello every1. I'm playing on BfA patch and today I had a nasty experience while my conversation with one russian moderator. The problem was the following: I wrote the following message in ru chat "[Key] tank-heal 385+, dps 380+". Moderator decided that I used foreign language by typing it, but in fact all the words are mostly the same like in russian. It was absolutly clear for every1 in russian chat that I am looking for tank, healer and dps with specific ilvl. Moderator kicked me from ru chat, and then gave me a mute for 30 mins, his agrument was that he is following the rules. The truth is that our server is not so huge and the player has to search for party memebers in foreign chats. So, my suggestion: Add to the chat rules the following phrase : It's allowed to use internationally exepted terms for party search "tank, healer, dps and their analogs in foreign langueage". It will help people to find groups faster and wont let moderators to take their own desicion regarding international terms in local chats. Currently, each moderator can decide if he wanna kick or mute the player for international word or not, even if it's not a case at all. For example, the english phrase "tank or healer," spanish people would say "tank y healer", russians say "танк или хилер", which is very close to each other and every1 may understand about whom we are speaking about. This is especially actual topic for BfA or Legion because people there are constantly looking for party members for keys.