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About Imi.

Firestorm User

  • Name Ferluchy
  • Guild The Love Crew
  • Class Warlock
  • Level 90
  • Realm Garrosh
  • Race Undead

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  1. I hope u guys know that sometimes I still think of you and your memories do spark the Xmas spirit joy 😌(to whoever this applies to will know, if not then just pretend, thank u)
  2. U mad I stole your egf also u gae
  3. wow yall still alive
  4. thanks
  5. Subscribe to pewdiepie
  6. @Cathriaxfucking same
  7. It only raises from that :llll
  8. What happened to this though It only redirects to FS devs' website and that to Github
  9. This thread is already started tho, it's a few lines under this one: even if "memes" have gone way worse since 2015 October
  10. "Your mom." jokes in 2k18 btw. haHAA edit: try to live a life simulator is fun tho, it looks like you just do stuff that don't require playing a game, and you end up sinking into depression deeper and deeper till you end up sitting on your PC a day straight doing random stuff including playing games those games are mostly Overwatch / The Crew / Cuisine Royale rn / WoW ~twice a year.
  11. Can I play u? OwO