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Everything posted by Imi.

  1. I hope u guys know that sometimes I still think of you and your memories do spark the Xmas spirit joy 😌(to whoever this applies to will know, if not then just pretend, thank u)
  2. U mad I stole your egf also u gae
  3. wow yall still alive
  4. thanks
  5. Subscribe to pewdiepie
  6. @Cathriaxfucking same
  7. It only raises from that :llll
  8. What happened to this though It only redirects to FS devs' website and that to Github
  9. This thread is already started tho, it's a few lines under this one: even if "memes" have gone way worse since 2015 October
  10. "Your mom." jokes in 2k18 btw. haHAA edit: try to live a life simulator is fun tho, it looks like you just do stuff that don't require playing a game, and you end up sinking into depression deeper and deeper till you end up sitting on your PC a day straight doing random stuff including playing games those games are mostly Overwatch / The Crew / Cuisine Royale rn / WoW ~twice a year.
  11. Can I play u? OwO
  12. Eurovision winning song inc. Original version:
  13. Rules: 1) You can't hurt and heal leaders of the same faction untill one of the factions gets eliminated. 2) You can only post every 2 hours. 3) You can hurt 1 person, and heal only 1 person in each post. 4) You cannot hurt and heal the same leader. 5) You can only hurt or heal someone from the list below. 6) Everyone starts at 10 points. 7) Whoever gets 0 points is removed. Example: Hurt Garrosh, Heal Thrall: Garrosh: 0, Thrall: 1000000. - Garrosh is out. Do not include him to the list anymore. I WILL UPDATE THE LIST EVERY 2-12 HOURS The List: [HORDE] Garrosh - 10 Thrall - 10 Vol'jin - 10 Baine Bloodhoof - 10 Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - 10 Lor'themar Theron - 10 Trade Prince Gallywix - 10 Ji Firepaw - 10 [ALLIANCE] King Varian Wrynn - 10 Muradin Bronzebeard - 10 Tyrande Whisperwind - 10 Malfurion Stormrage - 10 Gelbin Mekkatronque - 10 Prophet Velen - 10 Genn Greymane - 10 Aysa Cloudsinger - 10 PS.: It's partially copy-pasted from Icemetal's post on .
  14. 2bad barely anyone will ever understand this (independently from the language)
  15. Did you just assume my gender and sexual orientation?
  16. yall still alive @Edgie where did you go from Discord?! And no fam.. The Love Crew is the best now, sorry, you can join it if you want...
  17. Wow you're not gonna believe it, but I was literally just thinking about those times when you were still here too yday.. I was even checking some old stuff too Well I don't really know what to say, I'm glad that you're enjoying what you're studying :> Damn, I really miss those times and people despite the cringe and stuff we went through sometimes ahahaha Be back on MoP someday! I'm here 'till the server's up anyways