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About Damagetrain

Firestorm User

  • Realm Stormrage
  1. Blades Edge Bladespire Kegger : dropping keg to get ogre drunk they run to keg get hazed doesnt count for quest
  2. Hunter : Switching tracking worked 1st day after that its stuck on one track - guildies say they cant switch herb etc tracking on either
  3. Terokkar : It´s watching you : Napthal not spawn Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terrok : Cant use item "out of range" - i tried every angle and spot there no work The final code : Guy at tower dont drop quest item Who are they : Dont give disguise but works just killing those npc Nagrand: Finding the survivors : opening cages doesnt count as freed ppl Blades Edge : They stole mah hookah and brews : There is no beer barrels and only 1 brewmaister to kill