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Everything posted by Florix

  1. Title: Anh-De the Loyal Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/103063 Patch Content: According to the Bugtracker report, the creature https://www.wowhead.com/npc=157466/anh-de-the-loyal cannot be tamed Type 1 = Beast Type_flags 1 = CREATURE_TYPEFLAGS_TAMEABLE Note: Probably also bugged on the Shadowlands realm. UPDATE `creature_template` SET `type`='1',`type_flags`='1' WHERE `entry`='157466';
  2. Title: Silverwing Battle Tabard Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/111415 Patch Content: Fixing the incorect ID of the ExtendedCost in npc_vendor of https://www.wowhead.com/item=19506/silverwing-battle-tabard in all 8 NPC Vendors. -- #19506/Item - Silverwing Battle Tabard - re-adding the item to fix the extended cost, some vendors, like 5193 sell it twice DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` IN ('108138','14753','5193','52278','5049','16766','133164','5191') AND `item`='19506'; INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`, `slot`, `item`, `maxcount`, `incrtime`, `ExtendedCost`, `type`) VALUES ('108138','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('14753','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('5193','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('52278','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('5049','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('16766','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('133164','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('5191','0','19506','0','0','5971','1');
  3. You're right, it's just that in one NPC is the item twice. Note: The issue exists also on the Legion and Battle for Azeroth Realms.
  4. Title: The Skettis Offensive Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/111414 Patch Content: The Quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=10879/the-skettis-offensive got https://www.wowhead.com/npc=22292/rilak-the-redeemed and https://www.wowhead.com/npc=22373/defender-grashna but correctly is only https://www.wowhead.com/npc=22292/rilak-the-redeemed -- #10879/Quest - The Skettis Offensive - This quest should've only one questender, but it got two DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE `quest`='10879'; INSERT INTO `creature_questender` (`id`,`quest`) VALUES ('22292','10879');
  5. Title: Silverwing Battle Tabard Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/111409 Patch Content: Fixing the incorect ID of the ExtendedCost in npc_vendor of https://www.wowhead.com/item=19506/silverwing-battle-tabard in all 8 NPC Vendors. -- #19506/Item - Silverwing Battle Tabard - re-adding the item to fix the extended cost, some vendors, like 5193 sell it twice. ExtendedCost ID 5971 = 10x 137642 (Mark of Honor) DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry` IN ('108138','14753','5193','52278','5049','16766','133164','5191') AND `item`='19506'; INSERT INTO `npc_vendor` (`entry`, `slot`, `item`, `maxcount`, `incrtime`, `ExtendedCost`, `type`) VALUES ('108138','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('14753','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('5193','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('52278','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('5049','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('16766','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('133164','0','19506','0','0','5971','1'), ('5191','0','19506','0','0','5971','1');
  6. Title: Black Temple Trash Mobs Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/index Patch Content: So, this Fix got accepted some months ago, but i guess, not applied? the creatures still cannot be target/selected.
  7. Ay, you have to write an ban appeal here: https://forum.firestorm-servers.com/us/index.php?/forms/14-discord-ban-appeal/
  8. works fine for me, i guess you extracted them in a extra folder? like Interface/AddOns/AddonName/AddonName/addonstuff
  9. Sure, here's Pawn for 8.3: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/addons/detail/321
  10. Hay, does someone have the AddOn "Pawn" for 8.3? It used to be on curseforge but it got removed for whatever reason. If someone can send it to me, it would be awesome!
  11. Jo, werde euch beitreten, wenn es soweit ist.
  12. It would be kinda dumb to transfer also tons of golds.
  13. Yes, it is bugged, you can just go to the pandaria portal in the portal room and teleport to Jadeforest. Next time, you can check in the Bugtracker if someone already a quest where you aren't sure if it's bugged.
  14. Servus und willkommen! Für einen P-Server ist es hier relativ gut spielbar. Am meisten glück mit Quests hast du, wo du nur Monster killen musst oder zeug einzusammeln hast. Zurzeit gibt es auch ein x10 EXP (Erfahrungspunkte) Event, welches du bei einer Valkyr in Stormwind und Orgrimmar aktivieren kannst. Ich glaube, die steht in jeden Startgebiet, bin mir aber da grad nicht so sicher. Die Intro Quests für Pandaria und Die Verheerte Küste sind leider verbuggt, für Pandaria kannst du einfach das Portal in den Portalräumen der jeweiligen Hauptstädte Orgrimmar und Sturmwind benutzen. Für Legion, kannst du eine Quest von einen pinken Elementar annehmen welchen du ebenfalls in Orgrimmar und Sturmwind findest. Von dieser Quest bekommst du auch den https://de.wowhead.com/item=140192/dalaranruhestein und kannst dann dort los legen. Die Startquest für Aszuna funktioniert leider nicht so richtig, da würde ich dir empfehlen mit Hochberg anzufangen. Für Draenor sollte die Introquest eigentlich ohne große Probleme funktionieren. Allerdings sind in Draenor selbst viele Quests verbuggt, da WoD nicht viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommen hatte. Der Fokus der Entwickler liegt auch eher an den neueren Endgame-Content, weswegen auch soviele alte Quests/Features nicht gefixt sind. Solltest du mehr Fragen haben, hau die einfach raus, oder wende dich an den worldchat (/join world_en) da musst du allerdings in Englisch schreiben, und es können auch ein paar Trolle versuchen dich zu verscheißern. Es gibt auch rein Deutsche Gilden auf beiden Nationen. Bei Allianz gibt es z.B. <Unbeugsam> & <Die Drei lustigen Vier>
  15. Should be in the rep tab where the city reputations are
  16. On the Mists of Pandaria realm, this Tabard is indeed not working correctly, several reports have been made.
  17. Title: Lava Annihilator Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/104919 Patch Content: The NPC https://www.wowhead.com/npc=11665/lava-annihilator doesn't give the reputation https://www.wowhead.com/faction=749/hydraxian-waterlords DELETE FROM `creature_onkill_reputation` WHERE `creature_id`='11665'; INSERT INTO `creature_onkill_reputation` (`creature_id`,`RewOnKillRepFaction1`,`MaxStanding1`,`RewOnKillRepValue1`) VALUES ('11665','749','5','20');
  18. Title: Mythic.. of the Chosen Dead Type: Shop Description: For some reason you guys forgot to add head and shoulders.. https://www.wowhead.com/item=143347/coif-of-the-chosen-dead?bonus=3469 https://www.wowhead.com/item=143357/pauldrons-of-the-chosen-dead?bonus=3469
  19. There are 2 options: 1) do you on MoP, it's account wide 2) buy it from shop They wont fix it because it's legacy content and their prio is current content and further.
  20. Title: Reins of the Leopard Type: Shop Description:  As you guys have the Bengal Tiger in the Shop, why not add also the Leopard mount into the shop. It is a mount which made it never to the game and was only available during the Vanilla Alpha time. https://www.wowhead.com/item=8633/reins-of-the-leopard
  21. Title: Cage Helm Type: Shop Description:  This helmet drops from the Death Metal Knight on Darkmoon Faire but this boss is kinda broken. So, it's not possible to get this helmet. https://www.wowhead.com/item=151253/lightly-padded-cage-helm https://www.wowhead.com/item=151254/chain-linked-cage-helm https://www.wowhead.com/item=151252/leather-lined-cage-helm https://www.wowhead.com/item=151251/steel-reinforced-cage-helm
  22. Title: Elder Zhevra Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/104831 Patch Content: Creature https://www.wowhead.com/npc=37088/elder-zhevra is not selectable cause by the unit_flags 33554432 UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE UPDATE `creature_template` SET `unit_flags`='0' WHERE `entry`='37088';
  23. Title: Black Qiraji War Tank Type: Shop Description:  This mount got added with patch 7.3.5 https://www.wowhead.com/spell=239770/black-qiraji-war-tank
  24. Another thing that should be corrected are the latest PvP Gladiator mounts that got added. They used to have the info that they're "character bound" but the newest Gladiator mounts do not have this information.
  25. Hello, this post is mostly for those who manage the Shop. i checked today the prices for mounts on different realms and for some reason, the prices are different for the same mounts, even though, they're share. Like, if i buy a mount on BfA, i will also have it on WoD, same goes for if i buy a mount on WoD, i have it also on BfA. That's they it makes no sense to have different prices. It will be better, if you guys can manage your Shop better, same goes for the "Mounts" and "BFA Mounts" tab on the BfA shop, it's chaotic. Here's an example with different mount prices from WoD and BfA, the prices have 20points differences. WoD: BfA;