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About Lioh

Firestorm User

  • Name Shiraia
  • Guild Serendipity
  • Class Mage
  • Level 110
  • Realm Sylvanas

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  1. Name: Shiraia Realm: Oribos (SL). Discord tag: Shira Link: Title: A vampyre ready to hunt you down
  2. No, reputation is not working since wod, he probably did it on mop realm.
  3. mount

    No, the mount is in the shop
  4. yes
  5. No, you are not missing anything, the quest is not showing for anybody in game. There is also a bug report about that. Pride of kul tiras was "fixed" with an autocomplete quest but the next one , a nation united, can't be taken. Hope in a fix.
  6. Throne of the tides is doable. All mop dungeons are available too. The everbloom is doable. Ruby Sanctum is listed as available but it's not possible to enter in it.
  7. Title: Adding mount on bfa shop Type: Shop Description:  Can you please add to the Bfa shop this mount ? It drops from but in bfa the raid doesn't work. The other mount that it drops is on the shop instead. I'd appreciate if you could add it at the same price. Thanks a lot and have a good day
  8. This one is working
  9. Title: First Satyr Spaulders Type: Shop Description:  Hello, would it be possible to add the item in the game shop for transmog use? Thank you
  10. Si, le puoi cambiare trovandone di migliori (dalle world quests, dai dungeons, dai raids, dalle casse dei bg o arene). Basta che la trascini sopra a quella che vuoi cambiare e viene sostituita con la nuova.
  11. Si a dalaran, controlla di fronte alle due banche, sia orda che ally, c'è un npc stile titano con cui parli e ti fai dare tutte e 3 le armi artefatto delle tue 3 spec.
  12. Un sacco di persone tra noi italiani ha quel problema da ieri pomeriggio. Non si capisce perchè nè tantomeno come risolvere...
  13. I would like to tell you that i tried for the 3rd time and finally it worked well! I killed the mobs inside the void realm and at the end got the pet. Thank you
  14. I tried again after looting a new lantern but it's the same. The void realm is empty, no mobs inside. I waited some time, and tried just after a server restart to be sure no one else was doing it but nothing has changed unfortunately. I will wait for some good news regarding this issue. Thanks
  15. I did everything but when i enter the void realm (clicking the dagger on the tree with the lantern buff on) there are no mobs to kill. There should be voids to kill until xan spawns (looking at the guides and videos) but it's totally empty. What should i do? Thanks