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Everything posted by Zombie

  1. Wow Goldpaw, I'm a big fan of your work. I would never have guessed that you would come here. Disclaimer: I do know this thread is quite old.
  2. My internet right now is crappy (10mbit download, 1 mbit upload) And If I turn on a client download through the launcher, it will use whatever internet is available. So while downloading I don't have internet for anything else, neither has my gf. So my suggestion is an option to set the limits of the download speed (and upload if it works as P2P)
  3. .... read the title people... admin/gms and other staff has to count. players have to stop them...
  4. The current Trinitycore servers have an option where the owner of the server sets a maximum exp rate, and with a command ingame the players can choose their own exp rate as long as it's lower then the max and higher then 0. Could this be implemented in the firestorm servers??
  5. not having the blizzlike rate is not blizzlike to... it's unblizzlike either way. yet being able to play with blizzlike rate would be more blizzlike for the player.
  6. He meant that it has been implemented trinitycore. Firestorm has made their own branch of trinitycore a long time ago, So firestorm doesn't have the updates trinitycore has and vice versa. But since a lot of the core structure is probably still the same, it should be possible to implement it like trinitycore did.
  7. bumping allowed?
  8. if staff bands together maybe.
  9. (32 % 3) + 4
  10. he means that on retail everyone has the same exp rate. I get his argument. But being able to choose a real blizzlike exp rate is also blizlzike. So it's choosing one blizzlike or the other blizzlike. but none of our arguments matter, it's the staff that will choose if it can and should be implemeted.
  11. you are mistaken, this is for staff to count and for players to interrupt.
  12. doesn't matter, people can choose that for themselves. for grinding they can turn on 5x exp.
  13. We should await the verdict from the Staff
  14. But it's actually the 5x exp that is un blizzlike. the chooseable exp is more blizzlike since it enables players to use 1x exp to level. they can choose how blizlike they want their experience to be.
  15. but with the chooseable exp people can only choose 1,2,3,4,5 exprate thus closer to blizzlike
  16. it has been implemented on most trinitycore servers. so unless the core is radically different exp wise, it should be possible. The database would need another field per character where the the exp rate per char is saved. then in the core the function that handles the final exp to a char would be modified with the exp modifier.
  17. 3 Thanks Kothego
  18. It's hard to see who is a gamemaster on a glance.... any staff, please let us know you are bringing us to one instead of posting the next number. it's damn confusing
  19. Thanks for the tip. I send a message on S.
  20. Omen Threat Meter - This addon tracks the thread on the target Pitbull Unit Frames - Alternative unit frames, you can edit them to your taste. Atlasloot Enhanced - An addon for looking up loot Auctioneer - The addon for the aution house and for people that want to become rich through the aution house Bagnon - This addons merges your bags into one big bag, my personal favourite. Gatherer - Addon that tracks the position of herbsa nd ore deposits. can show them on the map and even shares them with guild members. Gearscore Lite - I don't know the difference with the non-lite, but this one always seems to work Genie - Can Sort your inventory and bank, super easy. Outfitter - Addon that makes switching gear easy, just setup an outfit and with a simple press of the button it switches all the gear for you. RatingBuster - it breaks down the stats for an easy comparison. Sell-o-Matic - Adds a button to sell screens, press it and it will sell all the greys, you can also add items to a list to sell those as well when the button is pressed. All Stats - it adds a screen to the right of the character screen that shows all the stats, I looooove this one. ButtonFacade - It reskins the buttonbars and the buttons on the bars IceHUD - shows your health, powersource in a nice created HUD, handy for pvpers, but pve can also use it. kgPanels - you can create custom panels, ideal for the UI Customize it yourself. Milk scrolling battle text - replaces the Blizzard scrolling text, you can edit it to your wims. Sexy map - edits your minimap to show a nice graphic, it really cleans your minimap since the buttons won't show right away. SimpleUnitframes - This does replace the default unitframes, but with the same unitframes that are more customizable, for the blizzard experience with more options. SnowFallKeyPress - Instead of abilities activating on key release, this activates them on key press. thus making you faster. Tiptac - replaces the standard tooltip, it comes with more options and you can even change the place it will be. Titan Panel - A bar, top or bottom or both. Addons can show info in there if they developed for it. there are also standard info, like exp/per hour for the exp farmer and gold on your char, location, bags free. WIM - this is for PM's, it opens a window per person you pm with, really handy if you pm people a lot and want to track it better. XLoot - A remake of the lootframe (personally I feel it's faster) XPerl - Unitframes, comes with nice graphics, even the unit icons can be in 3D. Prat - Replaces the standard chat. Give more "Modules" that you can turn on or off. my favourite options is putting the editbox on top. Quartz - Replaces the cast bars with nicer cast bars with more options Talented - no tabs, just 1 screen with all 3 talent trees. you can save talent tree, do a mock talent tree build, it will remember talent trees if people you inspect for a while. No reason not to get this one.
  21. gUI is amazing.