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Everything posted by Fappy

  1. +1 I would like to see these changes
  2. In 10n you are supposed to be able to kill them in solo, i don't know about 25n but i guess that shouldn't be possible.. Also conveyor is a bit weird, it's like "hard" to get in the tube to get back to main platform + if you fail to get inside of tube you can fall "under map" and die lol
  3. Hi Tested and killed on live, probably on realm First; Very good script?
  4. mop

    I don't think it is really possible to kite him with 23 stacks, anyway never noticed that bug, i will try to reproduce it on QA realm
  5. mop

    Whut lol I've never noticed that, maybe you re talking about phasing, well it's normal that when you open a gate the stacks just reset.
  6. mop

    Hi, This following bug isn't happening always, i haven't noticed a particular thing, so i would say it happens randomly; Also sometimes after phasing to phase 2 and going back to phase 1, bosss won't trigger phase 2 again and will destroy the raid.
  7. mop

    Checking better I've noticed that size increase isn't a bug, sorry I couldn't edit or delete the post
  8. mop

    @http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72272/minion-of-yshaarj: They become bigger with more stacks of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145043/empowering-corruption
  9. mop

    Hi, I've been testing him with @Enrico and i hope that will be helpful: Stage One: The True Horde http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71983 • http://www.wowhead.com/spell=144585 isn't working; http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71984 • We couldn't kill him, as ranged we had problems with pathfinding, as melee we couldn't get to the npc in anyway; Intermission: Realm of Y'Shaarj Temple of the Jade Serpent http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72236 • http://www.wowhead.com/spell=149033: The effect isn't stacking; • Seems some mobs are missing, they should be more than they are; Temple of the Red Crane http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72238 • One of them is missing, they should be 2; Stage Two: Power of Y'Shaarj http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145037 • http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72272: They literally become so huge;
  10. Hello MiWo, Me and @Enrico just tested the boss, we found out some things: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=144236 isn't working at all, infact we aren't getting the debuff; http://www.wowhead.com/npc=74009/crawler-mine are just disappearing with the coming of a new conveyor of assembled weapons, so we couldn't test if http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145580/ready-to-go is working.
  11. He can not test anything without me, don't trust him!!
  12. Actually you don't even know me so i don't know how you can know my dps but nvm I was joking ofcourse, that still doesn't change the fact that @Shoockz is the best warrior there
  13. Dmg Hacker, Good job but wait for big spy raport!!!
  14. mop

    When will boss be released
  15. Ciao, per problemi di spostamenti intendi che quando usi i flight e poi rilogghi ti teleporta li dove avevi scelto la destinazione? Se si è un bug che c'è da qualche mese, io non utilizz piu quei cosi hahaha. Per il resto se ti interessa una gilda italiana ti consiglio i Nemesi, fanno pve e sono tra le prime 15 di tutti i reami nel ranking
  16. Thank you all guys..
  17. Ciaoo
  18. This thread is old but mmmh I still don't get wich are these "special attacks" that give rage under CS
  19. mop

    lol you must be nab to think something like that, then why do you think there are trinkets from vendor for 50k coins? lol
  20. Ciao, non gioco su WoD ma su MoP quindi non posso aiutarti un granchè.. Comunque benvenuto
  21. They are probably implementing something or i don0t know
  22. bho si qui siamo tanti, ma gli old content non sono il top, anche se va quasi tutto
  23. Tu sei su Hellscream, dunque è sempre MoP, Tharan'zu è un reame diverso, ciò significa che a livello di fix siamo messi allo stesso modo; Riguardo Pvp e PvE, si, siamo all'ultima stagione di MoP riguardo al PvP, la Prideful, riguardo i contenuti Classic Tbc e Wotlk funzionano abbastanza bene, ma ovviamente sono tutti a lavoro per le cose dell'ultima espansione, infatti abbiamo ToT nm totalmente scriptato, anche hc, e abbiamo 5 boss di SoO, Lunedì il sesto. se hai altre domande non esitare a cheidere. -un prot war 555
  24. Io ti consiglio vivamente MoP, i raid di WoD non mi sono mai piaciuti, e neanche il resto delle implementazioni.. Comunque Tharan' zu è quello più attivo riguardo gli italiani
  25. Most nabs in whole server Joking you guys are the best, keep going