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[MOP] Frost DK huge bug

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Created this topic on the forum in order to draw your attention to the actual and not a little important mistake in the mechanics of Frost DK combat.

The fact is that a very important part of the mechanics is broken, especially for dual dk.

Problems with
 [Killing Machine] Spell #51128
Main report with description
Related Links
+10% melee attack speed Spell #55610
+45% melee attack speed Spell #50887

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And the last thing I would like to add to this report, so that everyone understands how it should look in the end

With two-handed weapons at attack speed 3.6 = 36%
With one-handed weapons at attack speed 2.6 = 26% per hand

DK has two passive aura for increasing attack speed for all who are with him in the group + 10% Spell # 55610 and + 45% Spell # 50887 just for their attacks.

The PPM is repelled \based on the attack speed of the weapon and only, so if further you increase the attack speed or the attack speed rating, then in a unit of time you deal more attacks and hence you get an equal chance for each autoattack to get the proc.
So, the aura of the DK itself, as well as the aura of the raid and all possible buffs, gives you a huge increase in DPS in combat, as well as the number of talent prowess in each battle, which does not happen here.
This player, all the efforts of players, as well as mechanics to speed up attacks of players reduces in any scenario to default 6 ppm, regardless of the speed of the attack itself and this is a huge mistake

For example
If you are with a two-handed weapon and your weapon attack speed is 3.6, and in the character's statistics 2.0 then

180 seconds of combat
180/2 = 90 strokes of autoattack
90 * 0.36 = ~ 32 attacks approximately calling proc
But on this imager the system will adjust the chance of proc to 6ppm
(2 * 6/60) * 100 = 20%
90 * 0.2 = ~ 18 attacks approximately calling proc

At the moment
No matter how much you gain additional attack speed, the number of attacks increases, and the chance to get the procs falls proportionally and in the end for the same period of time you actually have the same number of procs or less than until you get buffs and auras of speed.
Should be
The more you gain attack speed, the more you make auto hits and thereby actually get more procs in the same time span.


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