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[Declined] legion dungeons [In-game]

2 posts in this topic

Title: legion dungeons

Type: In-game


Hey Firestorm,

before i ll get to bad things i want to say, that i love the opportunity here to play mythic keystones aka. mm+ on non-retail server and have fun with them, but i can't just turn blind eye to some bosses having bugs, that are making them unkillable. The most notable being Cordana Felsong, who just makes me rage everytime i try to kill her and bosses in Karazhan, tho everytime i que with dungeon finder into Karazhan every1 immidiately leaves or no1 except new players won't go either of mm+ Karazhans, so i can't tell what's wrong there.

But i' ve tried kill Cordana a lot of times and except heroic mode, i've never killed her. The fight has one big bug asociated with and that's random reset, when she's gets bellow 50% hp, even when there are people alive fighting her, becames invulnerable, yells her line, that she says, when all members die fighting her "I will not be stopped! I have fought too long, suffered too much! VIctory must be mine!" and resets her life. I should also note about creeping doom sometimes being invincible, but that's not as important as random resets of her fight.


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