
Forum Rules

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Firestorm - Forum Rules
  • Upon registering to the forums you agree to the following. Although the Administrators and Moderators of Firestorm Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Firestorm Forums nor Invision Power Services INC. (developers of IP Board) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violation of any laws. The owners of Firestorm Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.


Forum Etiquette:
  • Please write in English on the forums, there is a section of the forums for other languages. Guild Recruitment forum is an exception. Firestorm Server community is International and we wish that everyone understands each other.
    • Punishment: Post removed, and 1 infraction point.
  • Staff Members Decisions: Instructions by our Administrators, Game Masters and Moderators are to be followed at all times by every member who enters our services.
  • Impersonating a Staff Member: Impersonating is when someone pretends to be another person as entertainment or to deceive someone. Impersonation includes providing false information about staff members or degrading the community in general. Reminder: No one from the Firestorm Staff Team will ask anyone for information or your passwords.
    • Punishment: 10 infraction points.
  • Publicly discussing Staff decisions: Discussing or criticizing a decision made by a staff member in public is prohibited. These decisions include; bans, mutes, removals of staff members and warnings.
    • Punishment: 1 infraction point.
  • Abuse of the "Report" Function: The report function should be only used if a person is violating our forum rules. Abuse of the report function such as; multiple reports per threads, duplicate, and or non-violation of the rules.
    • Punishment: 1 infraction point.
    • Note: The Administrators, Game Masters, Forum Moderators, etc. will review all posts that are reported to them, but may not take action if they deem no rule has been broken or no further action is necessary.
Threads and Posts:
  • No Discrimination and/or Racism: Any kind of remark deemed as racist or discriminatory towards a race, skin color, culture, country, or sexual orientation is not tolerated, avoid it at all costs, whether you're joking or not.
    • Punishment: 4 infraction points.
  • No Harassment: Any harassment towards a player or staff member will not be tolerated. Harassment is a form of unwanted physical or verbal behavior that offends someone or humiliates them. Harassment can also include sexual harassment; unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. 
    • Punishment:  2 infraction points.
  • No Insensitive commenting: Any statements related to the encouragement of drugs, terrorism, massacres or suicides. This also includes any jokes about huge tragedies that have affected the lives of people.
    • Punishment: 2 infraction points.
  • No Spamming, Flooding and/or Double Posting: Repeatedly creating posts about the same topic/issue or posting two or more comments after each other is not allowed, edit the original post instead. This includes "offtopic posts" in threads, don't derail the main subject.
    • Punishment: Post(s) removed and 1 infraction point.
  • No Topic Bumping: Topic bumping is when you post in a thread, with the reason to get in back to the top of the thread list. 
    • Punishment: 1 infraction point.
  • No Cross Posting: If you have something to post and not sure what section it belongs in, don't post it in more than one section. If the staff think it would fit better in another section, then it will be moved there.
    • Punishment: 1 infraction point.
  • No Personal Attacks: We try to maintain a positive atmosphere, no personal attacks or insults will be tolerated here. While some discussions get heated it's not a reason to attack or insult someone.
    • Punishment: Post removed, and 3 infraction points.
  • No Advertising or Self Promotion: Advertising any other game servers or communities websites on our forums, referral links to any other services isn’t allowed. In addition mentioning a server/community name will fall under this category.
    • Punishment: 1 infraction point and post removal. (Only falls under mentioning a server/community name).
    • Punishment: 10 infraction points.
  • No gore/nudity/sexually explicit content: No pictures may include text or images that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist, discriminatory, and/or otherwise violates of any local or international laws.
    • Punishment: Post removed, and 7 infraction points.
  • Privacy Violation: No releasing any user's personal information, that includes doxing a user. Releasing a user’s information on Firestorm is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
    • Punishment: Post removed, and 10 infraction points.
  • All accounts and characters contained on your accounts are property of Firestorm Servers Project. It’s strictly forbidden to sell, trade, or buy any account data located on Firestorm for gold, money, etc. 
    • Punishment: 10 infraction points.


Infraction System:
  • All warnings that you're given by an Administrator, Game Master, Forum Moderator etc. are temporary, they will expire after a certain amount of days.
  • All warnings that are worth 10 infraction points are permanent, and will most likely result in removal from our services.
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