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[Declined] [SHOP] Transmogrification Feature [Website]

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Title: [SHOP] Transmogrification Feature

Type: Website



I'd love to see on Firestorm an implication to the Shop.  The feature should allow every player to exchange loyalty points for items from past patches. By items, I mean every single obtainable in-game item, that player could use for transmogrification. A special designed website search engine should allow player to find whatever he needs. The search engine could be item number based, f.e. [item=144665] or simply the item name based. f.e. "Cruel Gladiator's Scaled Helm which accords to:


That option is available on many other servers and its making players more active, just because people are getting bored after maxing everything out and completing every dung/raid that game have to offer.

I'm looking forward for your answer.

Greetings ;)

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The shop includes a lot of Tmogs and items from old expansions as well. We know that it's not all the things that you guys wish but we are trying to provide the most needed things however the shop is getting updated from time to time.

Administrator Otacon.

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