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[Declined] Legion Artifacts Account-wide [Shop] [Website]

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Title: Legion Artifacts Account-wide [Shop]

Type: Website


Title: Legion Artifacts Account-wide

Type: Shop

Description (Within Sethraliss):I feel like the Legion Artifacts appearance Character wide could be possible bumped up to Account-wide?

Since the Artifacts are still pretty decent weapons (that you get for free at level 100, which thanks for that! Makes multi-spec really easy for doing dungeons, but getting upgraded gear within Legion is still kind of iffy.)

 I believe the appearances aren't all able to be acquired without actually buying/donating for the shop item in question, and the fact that they just become pretty neat looking Transmog's after level 110. I feel as though having all the Legion artifact appearances shop item could be spread out to be account wide, Possibly with a slight price bump? I don't know if this is just me being greedy, but I think it would also push more players to buy that specific item as well.

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That's not planned, unfortunately.

Administrator Otacon.

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