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Heart of Azeroth % decrease by reset [Website]

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Title: Heart of Azeroth % decrease by reset

Type: Website


Heart of Azeroth on retail work diferently, every reset required AP to next level is decreased (Example: from  50>51 you need 20000 AP but after reset you will need 17000 AP, number are made up)

but basicaly every reset it help you to level your Neck. 


Here is example from retail forum:

Every week the amount of azerite required to reach the next level is reduced by 30%. The amount of azerite power you currently have is also reduced by 30% so that you remain at the same percentage towards your next level on the Tuesday reset.

For example, let's say you end the week at 700/1000 (70%) azerite power. When Tuesday rolls around, you will find yourself at 490/700 (70%) azerite power.

As a result, it is good strategy to save as many azerite power turn-ins as possible until the reset to avoid the 30% reduction.


Edited by Reffy

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