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[Declined] Missing item from Firestorm Warlords of Draenor Shop

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So I was recently trying to purchase a very specific item from a set, available at the Firestorm Shop, but did not have enough vote points to do that. Once I finally gathered enough i saw that the item was GONE from the entire set available for purchase.
Note the item set i am referring to is the Amani Garb Bundle  and the missing item from the set is the Tusked Shoulderpads, ironically they cannot be obtained the legit way either by killing the last boss of Zul'Aman - Daakara since NOTHING BUT CHAOS ORBS DROP FROM HIM, nor can they be obtained by voting/donating. So tell me Firestorm how do i finish my transmog exactly? xD 
I was going to make a bug report about Daakara's loot table not working properly but here's hoping that we can take care of two rabbits with one bullet. Hopefully the developer that looks into this can also take care of Daakara's buggy loot table. (and maybe also make it so that a little more than just 2 bosses are available in swp.. plx..?)

Edited by Freal

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