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  4. Title: Can't reach the Server Type: In-game Description:  Hello and good day, my Dragonflight game does not enter the Server menu. when i press in my password it says 'Retrieving realmlist' but then it goes back to the main menu to where i have to typ in my password again.
  5. Title: Can't reach the Server Type: In-game Description:  Hello and good day, my Dragonflight game does not enter the Server menu. when i press in my password it says 'Retrieving realmlist' but then it goes back to the main menu to where i have to typ in my password again.
  6. TSM

    looking for A TSm version that work perfectly with the server data .... since I found 5.4.8 modules and wrath but never for Firestorm auction house data or tell me how to configure retail one also if possible ... thank you
  7. Last week
  8. Hello The server was offline but it is back up now. I highly recommend joining the firestorm discord to be kept up to date. Best Regards, Mythyrian
  9. Hello, You can submit a bug tracker on your issue here. Best Regards, Mythyrian
  10. Hello, You can submit a bug tracker on your issue here. Best Regards, Mythyrian
  11. Hello @sgtdani You can submit a bug tracker here on the issue. Best Regards, Mythyrian
  12. Hello @azzo You can get the elite appearance of any item that you doesn't have by simply buying the piece from the vendor for some conquest points Best Regards, Mythyrian
  13. Hello @darkspear123 You can get the elite appearance of any item that you doesn't have by simply buying the piece from the vendor for some conquest points Best Regards, Mythyrian
  14. Server spento qualcuno sa cosa è successo e quando ritorna online?
  15. Servir spento qualcuno sa cosa è successo e quando ritorna online?
  16. Hello @Lupo1294 Sadly BFA content isn't scripted well on Vladrakken. We are advising players to level in shadowlands content. If you abandon all quests and log out/in from your capital city it should pop up the start for shadowlands campaign. If it does not pop automatically you can visit Chromie in your capital city to start shadowlands as well. We understand that most player's want to experience as much content as they can, that's why I suggest submitting a bug tracker on your BFA issue at Please keep in mind that devs are focused on current content so it may be some time before BFA content is looked into. Best Regards, Mythyrian
  17. I am done with all the stuff in Zandalar and I went through everything up to the "The Kul Tiras Campaign" mission. Sylvanas walks up, does her thing, and then leaves and now I can't select anything on the war table in front of Nathanos. I tried dropping it and picking it back up, I have logged out and in, etc. Anyone else running into this issue or have a solution? I am on the Dragonflight server for reference.
  18. Me and my friend (Druid and Mage) started the Shadowlands Campaign but soon after we started we ran into a block I could complete the quest "A Flight From Darkness" because i healed myself constantly but my mage friend is just getting killed without being able to do anything Ive seen people over on discord say - just let the npcs do the job but they do barely any damage and the aggro eventually goes to the player and they get killed in a flash Is it bugged? What do we do? Thanks in advance
  19. Random battleground are becoming increasingly one sided,and people are stopping to play them or just sit afk in them.The premades problem must be solved.
  20. Hi. I have been facing high latency (world) in BFA both horde & ally zones. can reach upto 15999ms any solution to this?
  21. Hey firestorm realm sorry been so rude and swearing recently no excuse imho but hear me out i was in motor bike accident damaged my neck years ago (L5 disc) so i some times drink get bit angry take out people i don't know or love , you people nicest private wow community i know, sorry for going spaz mode flipping out no excuse.
  22. Title: Achievement Dragon Kill Points (Please let dev read) Type: In-game Description:  //includes... enum Data { DATA_DRAGON_KILL_POINTS = 1, } //.. // class boss_melidrussa : public CreatureScript { public: boss_melidrussa() : CreatureScript("boss_melidrussa") {} struct boss_melidrussaAI : public BossAI { //... void JustEngagedWith(Unit* target) override { //... _dragon_kill_points = 0; } uint32 GetData(uint32 type) const override { switch (type) { case DATA_DRAGON_KILL_POINTS: return _dragon_kill_points; break; default: break; } return 0; } void SetGUID(ObjectGuid const& /*guid*/, int32 type = 0) override { switch (type) { case DATA_DRAGON_KILL_POINTS: ++_dragon_kill_points; break; default: break; } } private: uint8 _dragon_kill_points; }; //... CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* creature) const override { return new boss_melidrussa(creature); } } // struct npc_infused_whelps : public ScriptedAI { npc_infused_whelps(Creature* creature) : ScriptedAI(creature) { } //... void JustDied(Unit* /*killer*/) override { //simply add this code in the creature's existing code. if (InstanceScript* instance = GetTarget()->GetInstanceScript()) if (Creature* melidrussa = ObjectAccessor::GetCreature(*GetTarget(), instance->GetGuidData(DATA_MALIDRUSSA))) melidrussa->AI()->SetGUID(GetTarget()->GetGUID(), DATA_DRAGON_KILL_POINTS); } //... }; // class achievement_dragon_kill_points : public AchievementCriteriaScript { public: achievement_dragon_kill_points() : AchievementCriteriaScript("achievement_dragon_kill_points") { } bool OnCheck(Player* /*source*/, Unit* target) override { if (!target) return false; return target->GetAI()->GetData(DATA_DRAGON_KILL_POINTS) >= 40; } }; void AddSC_boss_melidrussa() { new achievement_dragon_kill_points(); //... }
  23. Be sure to leveled up ur gear, some caster class need high ilvl as well as high m+ keys to do maximum potential dps
  24. To add that the biggest problem is the PVP guilds syncing 5+ players and avoiding eachother's premades.That causes huge disbalance.
  25. 1.Players AFK farm honor 2.Players stay AFK to help their friends in enemy team,or are alt accounts of the players in enemy team.Sometimes players get auto-afk kicked,sometimes they move to avoid auto-kick.Result is the same.Auto-kick is 5 minutes even if a player gets auto-kicked it is still enough to sabotage gameplay.This should also be punishable. 3.Player can log off onisde the BG and it takes 5 minutes to get autokicked 4.A player can join a BG log off inside the BG and enter with a toon from the same account.Look previous problem. 5.A player can join BG and imitate playing,but actively sabotage gameplay.Reason look previous.Example-a player plays but does low dmg just to avoid suspicion,lets enemy players capture bases etc. 6.Players that play premade(mostly PVP guilds) try to syncronise two premades or one premade and several solo joined 7.Players,mainly from PVP guilds avoid eachothers premades,aka sniping. 8.Reporting AFK in battlegrounds does not work.The reason i am told is because some players may abuse this feature to ''troll''.Same can be said thet players can troll battlegrounds and sabotage gameplay
  26. There was a time (Still is BTW) that Pandashan had 5x rep, on MoP realm. On WoD realm, i believe it was 3x, On legion it was 3x for non legion zones, 1x for legion zones, on BFA onwards 1x. So u can see the trend.
  27. That is so unbelievably disheartening. All i want to do is continue the storyline as I'm fully invested since doing a full lore playthrough of the game. In what world did they think grinding the same world maps quests for WEEKS on end would be enjoyable to any sane human? It's a long shot but now I can only pray that this server somehow sees the light and somehow minimizes the time needed to continue the game because like-minded people as myself are going to quit altogether.
  28. Yes. I know 3 friends who have done FULL renown on all 4 without renown shop purchase OR shop gear purchase. Its tedious ofc, but that's what WoW has become, a game viable for someone playing >8 hours a day.
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